What are Architectural Services and how can we help you?
Craig Soutar Architecture offer a full range of architectural services, from concept design, preparing and submitting planning applications, construction packages and building control applications, technical detailing, and providing contract administration during the construction phase. We are keen to be involved in projects from conception though to completion, whatever your budget, and our desire is to assist you through all the RIBA Work Stages of your project to ensure it is successfully completed. We also recognise that some clients wish to engage services through specific stages only and as such, our services are can be provided in a flexible manner, which allows you to decide which architectural services you would like us to carry out on your behalf.
How does an Architect’s Services work?
At Craig Soutar Architecture, projects generally follow and are broken into work stages defined by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and are listed below:
Stage 0 Strategic Definition – initial client meeting
Stage 1 Preparation and Brief – development of the project brief / preparation of a feasibility study
Stage 2 Concept Design – development of feasibility sketches
Stage 3 Developed Design – planning application
Stage 4 Technical Design – building control application/construction information
Stage 5 Construction – contract administration
Stage 6 Handover and Close Out– conclusion of building contract
Stage 7 In Use– post occupancy evaluation
What process will an architect follow when carrying out your project?
All projects are unique to a degree and therefore require individual assessment and attention. In saying that, at Craig Soutar Architecture we have found that generally speaking your project would follow the process below when fully engaging our services:

Initial Consultation / Briefing Meeting
The first step to every project is to have an initial briefing meeting. It is a great opportunity to meet and find out more about your needs, go through your project brief with you and appraise the existing site, context and characteristics of the surrounding area. They may be a specific requirement such as a key view you wish to frame, or an architectural style or feature you wish to retain or add. It also allows the opportunity to answer any initial questions you may have. Once there is an understanding of what is required and the level of involvement you require from the practice, we can prepare a brief, scope of services and fee proposal for your approval.

Outline Sketch Scheme Design
Working from an agreed brief, we will design an outline sketch scheme, this may be carried out in a number of ways, depending on size, architectural style, budget and complexity of the brief. In most cases this stage will include drawings which often include images, material ideas, space requirements and so forth. We then build on these to create a sketch proposal for the project. The design process is a collaboration between client and architect to best design the end result you require. We do not operate a ‘one size fits all’ approach and there is flexibility to tweak and change things as the design progresses.

Planning Applications
The majority of projects that are worked on will require a planning consent of some form. From full plan applications for new build properties, to householder applications for additional builds, as well as conservation area consent, listed building consent and also permitted development The majority of projects that are worked on will require a planning consent of some form. From full plan applications for new build properties, to householder applications for additional builds, as well as conservation area consent, listed building consent and also permitted development applications. In most cases, we will be able to prepare and submit applications on your behalf. There are however, times where independent consultants (i.e. planning consultant, tree arboriculturist) may be required to provide specialist input. Planning permission can never be guaranteed, but we carry out all of our work with the aim of achieving consent.

Building regulation applications and construction information
All construction work in the UK is required to be approved by a licensed building control inspector, who will ensure that the building works are carried out in line with current UK building regulations. Craig Soutar Architecture will provide you with a construction drawing package for this submission, working closely with structural engineer/s and other technical specialists appointed by the client to achieve a building regulation approval.
The drawing package produced at this stage can take the from of various guises, depending on your requirements and that of building control. This package will form the basis for your construction package, and look to include construction drawings and specifications. Craig Soutar Architecture is happy to give more advice on the above, and we are able to suggest both local engineers, specialists and approved inspectors, if required.

Schedule of Works, Tendering & Contractor Appointment
In order to produce competitive costings for your proposed In order to produce competitive costings for your proposed building, Craig Soutar Architecture will produce a tendering package which includes a schedule of works, detailed specification to be issued alongside our construction drawings for pricing, should this option be required. As an additional service, detailed internal layouts can be produced, for example kitchen and bathroom service layouts and details such as bespoke joinery items.

Contract Administration
The role of the architect as Contract Administrator is to administrate the contract. Part of this is to carry out a regular site visits to see that works are carried out in accordance with the contract drawings and specifications.
In addition to this, regular site meetings will be held to discuss progress and issues on site as well as carry out a valuation. Our involvement in this process more often means that the original architectural intent of the proposal is able to be realised and that any requests for payments are able to be verified by our practice, rather than the client having to carry it out with only the input of their construction firm/builder.
If you are interested in our services, then please get in touch by email or simply calling us for a friendly chat.